Event Release Form

In consideration of my attendance at Enhancing Virtual Events – A/V Solutions & Tech Tactics, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. RIGHT TO VIDEO & PHOTOS: I hereby expressly grant to Veley Productions, LLC and to its officers, employees, agents, and assignees the right to capture, record, and use photographs, video, and/or audio impressions (including internet recordings) of me (collectively, “Impressions”) recorded by Veley Productions, LLC at Enhancing Virtual Events A/V Solutions & Tech Tactics on December 1, 2020 (the “Event”), and to use the photographs and my voice and picture, and other reproductions of physical likeness and class-related work (including any still image, videotaped image, captured video-conference image, DVDs and/or other analog or digital means, or other media now in existence or developed hereafter), in connection with or as part of any presentation, program, publication, product, transmission, or other endeavor in which the same may be used or incorporated, and also in the advertising, and/or publicizing of any such analog or digital works or their content, in perpetuity. I understand that images / audio may be used for commercial, educational, or informational purposes. I shall not be entitled to any royalties, fees, or other compensation or notice, in connection with their use.

2. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS: I agree that Veley Productions, LLC shall exclusively own, jointly and severally, all rights, title and interest, including copyright in, and the complete set of Impressions, with worldwide rights. Veley Productions, LLC shall have the right, for any purpose, to use, adapt, change, delete from or add to such form and content, to combine all or any part of these original recordings with others, and to use, distribute, advertise, market and otherwise exploit any and all of the foregoing in any manner and in any medium, as Veley Productions, LLC shall determine at its sole discretion. 

3. NO GUARANTEES: The Event will include presentations about income and impact growth opportunities. I understand that there can be no assurance of increased earnings or reach, based on past results or skills taught at the event. I acknowledge monetary and income results are based on many factors. Veley Productions, LLC does not guarantee or imply that I will experience an increase in monetary earnings or event attendance.  Products and services shared are for educational and informational purposes only.

4. DUE DILIGENCE: I agree that I am solely responsible for doing my own due diligence when it comes to making business and financial decisions and all information, products, and services that have been provided by Veley Productions, LLC or at the Event should be independently verified by my own qualified professionals, before acting on this or any information.

5. RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS: Veley Productions, LLC’s information, products, and services should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching a business decision, on whether to take any action (or refrain from acting). I agree that Veley Productions, LLC is not responsible for the success or failure of my business decisions relating to any information presented at the Event or elsewhere by Veley Productions, LLC.

6. COPYRIGHT AND CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The materials and resources used in this training are the confidential and exclusive copyrighted and proprietary intellectual property of Veley Productions, LLC. These materials are provided to me by Veley Productions, LLC and solely intended for my personal use as a participant. No part of these documents and/or resources can be sold or distributed by any means (electronic, photographic, mechanical, or any other medium), recorded, translated, or used to produce any derivative works without the explicit written permission of Veley Productions, LLC, under signature. Any violation, or the likelihood of violating, any of my agreements contained in this paragraph, would entitle Veley Productions, LLC to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations. Should Veley Productions, LLC  commence any legal action in response to my act or omission in violation of this provision, I shall pay all of Veley Production’s legal fees and court costs, in addition to all damages requested by Veley Productions, LLC.

7. VIDEO CONFERENCE: If I participate in the Event by videoconference, I will not display any background that includes any copyrighted image or logo that I do not own. If I own an image or logo that I display as part of a background, I hereby grant Veley Productions, LLC a royalty-free and irrevocable license to use said image and/or logo captured as part of the Impressions.

Attendee Signature